Thursday, June 17, 2010

9/11 Nuttiness #1: The Thermite Lie (Part A)

What is this in Photo 1? Why, it's that famous, mysterious yellow smoke & residue alleged by Truthers to have been created by a thermite reaction. And what is that man doing getting 2000 degree thermite residue splashed all over him? Why, he seems to be cutting a column from the remnants of the Twin Towers during the cleanup effort. It would seem that this is not thermite at all, but rather the effect of some sort of cutting tool. A tool cutting at an angle that, according to Alex Jones, "CAN'T be created by a welding tool and was designed to have the building fall in a certain direction."

Photo 2 is the job halfway done.

Photo 3
, I'm sure Truthers are familiar with, as they use it quite often to bolster their silly argument that thermite was used to bring down the towers. You know, thermite, that substance that does NOT make an exploding sound when reacting? But that's a story for another day.

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